2008 has really brought about a change in the way I act and in the way I think. I really feel like this is the year that is going to ‘make me,’ I had to let go of unnecessary baggage. I ended ‘2007’ saying goodbye to all those ‘guys’ I couldn’t quite get over, as drastic as it might seem, it was much needed! I found myself being distracted to the highest degree over these guys and nothing positive was coming from such distractions, I concentrated so much on them that I lost sight of what I was actually supposed to be focusing on, e.g university. I do not know how I passed my second year but I see this year as another chance and I’m not taking that for granted.
Everything had been going the way I wanted, but what life exists without drama! A slight hiccup in my positive attitude when I heard from my ex, (summer ‘like’), it wasn’t good news!! I was not happy!! I am definitely over it now but it did make me start thinking about so many things, with the bad news I had heard I just wanted something that would help revert my attitude back to the way it was, so I picked up a book, ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’, by Joshua Harris, and through reading that book I have decided to kiss dating goodbye. Initial thoughts, ‘hmm, how am I going to kiss dating goodbye – dating is a way of life, if I don’t date I will never find my husband, if I don’t date I won’t even have a boyfriend’, so many things ran through my mind - I was sure I had taken the book too literally but the more I thought about it, the more I thought I could actually reap some benefits from doing this.
To be honest, my ‘love life’ was not active in the first place, so I really don’t think it will be that much of a challenge, lol, it’s not going to be easy but I don’t think it will be that hard. The book specifies that ‘dating’ takes place when two people request to spend time with each other, on several different occasions in seemingly romantic places. The mission is not to allow myself to be ‘secluded’ with the opposite sex (I really don’t think this is going to be hard) and if I do want to go out it must be with a group of 4 or more. I could say 3 or more but I know too many people who think that by taking a third party their motives will not be as obvious, well it is!! Leave Keisha at home, the guy is interested in you, its not like you are going to pay any attention to Keisha on the date anyway.
I don’t know how long this mission is supposed to be, I want to see how it goes really. I think this mission will help cure the ‘crush hoe’ in me, the ‘infatuationist’ (I know that is not a word), but seriously, I have a tendency (and I’m not alone) to see a guy and become obsessed, no, obsessed is too strong a word. All I’m saying is, I first see a guy and all my thoughts and actions are based on that person, I might not know everything I need to know about that person but in my head, he’s perfect. He’ll be the perfect companion, the perfect partner, the perfect husband, the perfect father and that is all from just looking at him, I really don’t think so!! I think this is where so many people make mistakes, I see someone and imagine them to be something that they are not, when I do find out that they are nothing like I imagined, I lose interest! I could have saved wasting precious time by not thinking so deeply into what I could gain from them and concentrate more on what I can possibly offer a partner in my future.
Basically, this task will help me focus, I don’t want to be thinking about dating, marriage, I just want to live my life. Its funny how once you get to a certain age you’re supposed to have ‘potentials’ lined up, you’re supposed to have been thinking about your life partner and honestly that is not the case. Being told from when you were old enough to talk to about 19/20 to ‘read your books’, then suddenly at the age of 21, you’re being asked where your husband/wife is!! This dating thing is so complicated, its actually confusing, so on behalf of the young generation I have taken it upon myself to embark upon this mission. This might provide me with revelations that many women are waiting on and the same revelations that men are keen to know. I can’t wait to see where this mission takes me, please keep your eyes peeled for further updates because I will be posting up my progress or struggles. I may need your help!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Psst...Ms TooFly has a new blog!

Are you a fan of fashion, music, poetry and such??...yes?
Well swing by The TooFly Experience blog.
Leave comments, send in news, bookmark us and tell your friends!
To find out more about us visit our myspace too.
- Ms TooFly
Friday, January 25, 2008
"Racisms' Still Alive, They Just Be Concealing It..."
So recently I've been really busy with Uni and some personal projects. Thus not being able to post regulary :-(
But a few weeks ago one of the guys in my class showed me a mini film, that was made by a couple of ex-students in my film studies class. It was really thought provoking and made me reflect on how accepting British people really are of other cultures. Alot of people like to believe England is a nation of blending ethnicty's...that is'nt necessarily fact.
Anyway watch it and leave your thoughts and reactions.
- SistaLova
But a few weeks ago one of the guys in my class showed me a mini film, that was made by a couple of ex-students in my film studies class. It was really thought provoking and made me reflect on how accepting British people really are of other cultures. Alot of people like to believe England is a nation of blending ethnicty's...that is'nt necessarily fact.
Anyway watch it and leave your thoughts and reactions.
- SistaLova
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Its Chockablock Time...
Hey guys! Tomorrow is the re-launch party for Mr Joseph JP Pattersons's' jam packed night...CHOCKABLOCK! Anyone familiar with JPs' work his (Blog, SuperSuper) is aware of how your assured to have a bangin' time! There are stil a few places left on the guestlist so hurry, hurry...
The LDN Relaunch Party
@ EGG Nightclub,200 Yorks Way, Kings Cross, London N7
Showcasing The Best UK Underground Music In:
Grime / Niche / Dubstep / Electro / Jungle + Rave
With Art Visuals By Fashion Desinger
Not your typical Grime or Bassline event, ready to show whats going on in other UK Underground Music Scene.."s aswell so just be a bit open minded you might likey.
So If your not afraid of a little BASSSS!, like to Skank out or quietly shout ...BRAP BRAP! in the corner? then this rave is youuuuuu.

- SistaLova
The LDN Relaunch Party
@ EGG Nightclub,200 Yorks Way, Kings Cross, London N7
Showcasing The Best UK Underground Music In:
Grime / Niche / Dubstep / Electro / Jungle + Rave
With Art Visuals By Fashion Desinger
Not your typical Grime or Bassline event, ready to show whats going on in other UK Underground Music Scene.."s aswell so just be a bit open minded you might likey.
So If your not afraid of a little BASSSS!, like to Skank out or quietly shout ...BRAP BRAP! in the corner? then this rave is youuuuuu.
- SistaLova
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Good News For A Great Year!

Disney have created their first ever black princess character for upcoming New-Orleans based film, 'The Frog Princess'. Her name is Maddy and she joins eight other Disney princess characters. Disney Princesses are the fastest-growing brand for the company’s Consumer Products division so they were about ready to cash in on the black pound/dollar.
Maddy's got natural hair and everything! *applauding the Disney team. It's been a long time coming. Maybe if this had been created earlier alot more black girls would have spent less time running around with a pillow case over their head emulating flowing princess locks, (don't play I know who you are :-). I'm just praying they don't overload the character with Ebonics and doing non-exsitent 'ethnic' hand gestures and shrieking about things.
It only took 84 years, but we got there in the end.

To my fellow "urban[1]" reading biliophiles, you may be pleased to know that after nearly 10 years of the fictional novel "The Coldest Winter Ever" hit bookshelves. Best-selling author, Sister Souljah has confirmed that a sequel will be released sometime this year!
I remember reading this book in school and loving it, there were even talks of a movie adaptation with Jada Pinkett Smith supposedly playing the lead role of "Winter". As much as I think Jada is cool, I could'nt really see that working out. I think all plans of that ever happening have been scrapped. Besides, I'd rather read a sequel written solely by Sister Souljah than watch some watered down version of it on film.
[1] I really dislike like that term. What does it really mean?
hmm...maybe next post.
- SistaLova
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