Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Leave me alone!

Persistence is not the answer, you phoning me on a regular basis to remind me how much you love, miss and need me is not going to change my mind. Don’t get me wrong fellas, us women do appreciate some dedication but no is no. I recently broke up with an ex; someone who inspired my pen many a time, when it was good it was good but when it was bad it was real bad. I was his fool but not to worry because I soon woke up and saw everything for what it was, actually let me not sugar coat it and save face; I found out he was cheating and I was the other woman which is what spurred my wake up call. How I stayed blind for so long is another post altogether. But during our relationship I gave my all sometimes I received a decent enough morsel in return but most times I made do. In all honesty I don’t hold a grudge but my problem now is that I woke up but so did he and now he cant live with what his now missing out on. The phrases ‘You don’t know what you got till it’s gone’ is too real to be true! I have to ask myself why guys take their girls for granted then get pissed when their gone. You constantly telling me how sorry and wrong you are is not going to make me change my mind; I know you were wrong which is why I left and I know you’re sorry because I’m priceless and you don’t have me anymore. So to all the bugaboo ex’s out there persistent is not the key leave us alone! I know somewhere out there someone can relate.


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