1) Flava Flav!! LMAO!! Nuff said!! Now I truly believe that everyone is beautiful. Each person was made in God's image and I feel that if I call someone ugly, I'm indirectly insulting God's work. So, I refrain from calling people ugly... 'cos it's not nice and 'cos its just not nice. Then there's FLAV!! I mean, from when I see him on TV... with his dry ass lips and his 3 plaits on his head... to the earring he uses as a nose ring... what compliment can I pay him. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... to be honest I really don't know why those girls are there... I know they DO NOT see anything nice in this OLD ASS MAN!! He just looks like the type of person whose breath makes your hairline recede... I shudder when I think of the amount of girls from 'Flavor of Love' sleep with him... best believe that 'money is the root of all evil'... everyone and their mothers know that if he had no money... it would be another case entirely!! With all that said... he does provide entertainment... funny old man!!
2) I heard that a woman got killed in Brixton by a police van carrying 11 prisoners. *blank stare*... Hmmm... (A) I heard this woman was a bit loopy (B) I heard the van drove over her head and the crowd was telling the driver to reverse - back over her head that is (C) A crowd built up around the van causing havoc for a few hours... so basically that woman was left to die. My thoughts... only in Brixton!! KMT!!
3) I was having a discussion with my friends about rapists, wife beaters, paedophiles etc. Its a very sensitive subject but have you noticed that when they show a picture of the atacker (on the news, magazines, newspaper articles)... don't they look dodgy anyway. Like I'm sorry if this offends anyone but all the pics I have seen scream 'WEIRDO' to me... like I'm cautious of everyone... maybe a bit too cautious but its better to be safe than sorry. The reason why Im saying this is because a man was convicted of rape and attempted murder last week and if you saw his picture... HELL TO THE NO... HELL NO!! If I saw this man walking on the same side of the street... I would cross over... no hesitation. He just looked 'seedy'!! Ladies... you know what I'm talking about!! He fits into the category of those men you see at the train station/bus stop who look at you far longer than is necessary, flash a 'seedy' smile, breathe all heavy... you're waiting to use the cash point and they're behind you too close for comfort, making you feel very uncomfortable... OK...hmm... maybe that just happens to me!! You get my drift though... if he looks suspicious... HE IS!! SIMPLE!!
And these 'American Boys' are just doing it for me these days, making my heart skip a beat, my smile last longer than ever... basically seeing them in a mag or on tv makes me happy... Derek Luke (Antwoine Fisher), Jackie Long (Serena Williams' ex... abusive partner in Trey Songz vid 'Can't Help But Wait), I still got love for Jarell 'J-Boog' Houston (B2K member)... I know - I need to let that one go but my love for guys hailing from the LDN... especially Idris Elba!! His beauty is just too much... hmmmm!!
Oh and no discrimination here... Mark Ronson gets a shout out too!! He's cute... oh whatever!! The guy is cute! And I know that the male readers may be sickened by this... just a little bit... so a lil' something for you too...
Until next time folks...
- Gabrielle
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