Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Quick Run Down

Wow...I have'nt been on this for a while.
I felt the urge to drop by, but im not really sure why. Lol.

I really wanted this summer to be filled with lots of adventure and rebellious activity. Instead it was filled with awkward guys, folywang moments and loads of work :-(
Actually it was'nt all bad, I realised I have some of the funniest and most loyal friends EVER!

My internship still rocks, I swear they love really. There's one colleague in particular that has mentioned on more than one occasion that she would like to adopt me. Its always good to know that if my mum steps out of line I have options...It's always good to have options.

I've decided to escape from the plantation (my part-time job), I've not been happy for some time and Massa is starting to get on my bloody nerves. He's so incompetent and I often wonder who he slept with to become manager SMH
My only ray of sunshine (he'll love that description) is Mo the security guard...I swear he is pure comedy. From his highly exaggerated tales of being a ladies man in Nigeria and his thoughts on my fellow plantation workers he keeps me in stitches for most the day.
But even this is'nt enough to keep me working in the field...'Give me free!'

- SistaLova

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