Monday, October 02, 2006

The Art of Maintaining Eye Contact

Specialist: SistaHood

Guinea Pigs: Gabrielle

The aim of this experiment is to see how far eye contact can carry you.

The eye contact theory according to SistaHood is one that conjures up a certain confidence between both parties to take that extra step and talk to each other, this goes against the many times you have seen a ‘potential’ and just let him/her walk pass.

As I was supposed to be ‘chirspin the man dem’ and yet haven’t come across a potential, I have mastered the art of flirtatious chat with practically any guy I come across. Whether it be the guy who took my order in Nandos, the guy who held the lift for me at work or even one of my ‘cute’ lecturers from my last year. I know, I know. The last one is a bit dodge but he’s just too cute … So we decided to carry out the experiment and see what happens.

Scenario 1

The three of use are on the train coming back from an outing and decide to try the experiment on the train. LOL. Hilarious outcome. The guy we wanted to make ‘eye contact’ with, got on the next carriage and we were left trying the experiment with some rockhead, now I have absolutely nothing against rockheads, their fashion sense inspires me, but if I show you a picture, even you’d be scared. We weren’t even carrying out the experiment on him (we decided not to) but the looks he was giving us made me wonder whether those are the same looks a murderer gives to his victim before he kills him. Yes it was that deep, I never exaggerate! So that one fell through but it didn’t deter us, well it didn’t deter me. I believe in the ‘eye contact’ theory and I know it works. Just have to find the right candidate.

- Gabrielle

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