Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Soooo you may have noticed that the layout of the blog has changed a little... kmt... I really thought I was a computer whizkid... trying to jazz up the site but as you can clearly see... that did not happen!

I logged out thinking that if I left it for a few weeks... it would kinda go back to the way it was... err nah! Sorrryyyy my fellow divas... I admit full responsibility for this travesty... don't trust me with a computer!

I can barely look at this blog without throwing up in my mouth and in that spirit created a new blog... check it out here... myself and Miss TooFly are on the blog with a few new members... a new start ey! Lol!

Still waving the Toofly Experience flag and forever upholding our AfroDivas!

Love ya

- Gabrielle

Friday, September 12, 2008


... I take it 'summer' is over! I've had enough... I'm moving!!

You think the Prince of Zamunda will have room for me in his palace?? lol... (I am still in love with Eddie Murphy in that film)

- Gabrielle

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Quick Run Down

Wow...I have'nt been on this for a while.
I felt the urge to drop by, but im not really sure why. Lol.

I really wanted this summer to be filled with lots of adventure and rebellious activity. Instead it was filled with awkward guys, folywang moments and loads of work :-(
Actually it was'nt all bad, I realised I have some of the funniest and most loyal friends EVER!

My internship still rocks, I swear they love me...no really. There's one colleague in particular that has mentioned on more than one occasion that she would like to adopt me. Its always good to know that if my mum steps out of line I have options...It's always good to have options.

I've decided to escape from the plantation (my part-time job), I've not been happy for some time and Massa is starting to get on my bloody nerves. He's so incompetent and I often wonder who he slept with to become manager SMH
My only ray of sunshine (he'll love that description) is Mo the security guard...I swear he is pure comedy. From his highly exaggerated tales of being a ladies man in Nigeria and his thoughts on my fellow plantation workers he keeps me in stitches for most the day.
But even this is'nt enough to keep me working in the field...'Give me free!'

- SistaLova

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Err... I'm back! I guess! Lol

OK... this blog has lacked its usual posts...lol... (my bad)!!

I've finished university now, I am officially a graduate! Yaayyyy!! Having been catapulted into the real world without any preparation (yes...university was supposed to be the 'preparation' but it wasn't) has now left me working in a bank. *sigh*... Can't I catch a break!! The 9-5 work ethic has demolished my social life and for this reason I have had no desire to write on the blog. But as you all know me very well... my life without drama is like cereal without milk, lasagne with no cheese, Jay-Z with no Beyonce... it just doesn't happen!

I moved back home and I felt like as soon as I dropped all my bags the drama had begun. People were finding out that I was back and everyone wanted to hang out like old times. This wasn't the problem for me, I love socialising, I love to laugh, so I knew that being around my old friends would bring back old, fun memories but what I didn't anticipate was the 'change' in some people. Don't get me wrong 'change' is good... I mean everyone changes... you have to... if you're not changing, you're not growing and life without growth is... well its pointless!! To be totally honest, I know that I've changed, moving away from the city really helped calm down that 'hype' attitude I once possessed but now I just find myself feeling uncomfortable around some of my friends. The drama surrounding this 'change' is too detailed to describe but it was emotional... I've had to part ways with those I thought I would grow old with and it is sad but life goes on!

The drama surrounding my love life is much more comical... being approached by guys who I feel lack ambition tends to 'kill' any positive mood! At first, I used to think that setting standards made a person superficial, even shallow but now I realise that standards are essential. In regards to the standards a guy must possess to be considered as a potential, my requirements are clear and concise:

- he must be a Christian
- physical requirements bear some importance - the guy must look like he has showered
- he must have ambition, he has to know what he wants to accomplish in life
- he must be able to hold a conversation
- he must be sane
- he must have a sense of humour
- he must be able to control his temper
- he should appreciate an independent woman

Those are the requirements I can think of right now, some women have similar requirements it all depends on what they deem most important. All I'm saying is why do I get approached by guys who don't meet any of these requirements... I'm not asking for Tyson Beckford (even though I did in a previous post, I have matured), I'm not asking for Morris Chestnut. I'm asking for someone who has the same morals as I do, who has the same attitude to life as I do. I've worked hard on being successful, I've worked hard trying to make the most out of life, being the best that I can be... so why should I settle for someone who has never done anything productive with theirs, who really has no concern for their future, who basically doesn't give a damn!!

I have standards but I'm justified for having those standards, so can someone please tell Dwayne from down the road that my name is not Kamiesha (sorry if that is your name) and it is less than likely that I will 'come and jam in his drum'... kmt!! Can you also tell Uncle John that I am too young for him, his wife and kids are at home waiting for him to bring them their dinner and can you let Jeremiah (Mr I Think I'm God's Gift) know that all the lines he's used before may have worked but I am not THAT GIRL... try harder!! Better yet, don't even bother!! Life ey!!

Woooooo... glad I got that off my chest!!

Feels good to be back!

- Gabrielle

Monday, May 12, 2008

She's here!! She's finally here!!

Its here!! Summer is officially here!! How I've been waiting for her to grace us with her presence... I just hope its not a brief visit. My exams aren't done until mid June (yes...I know!!)... I just hope she stays around for longer this time... last year was so disappointing... she could make it up to me this year... I'd be ever so grateful!!

Enjoy summer... while she's around anyway!!

- Gabrielle

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last Time

I’m obsessing over Trey Songz’ latest single ‘Last Time’ – I’m in love with it. I’m always singing it and just recently added it to my iPod so you know it’s on repeat. His smooth voice lingers over every word and you just can’t help but picture the scenario he’s painting… the video helps too!! So, I’ve listened to this song more than 30 times already despite the fact that I only added it to my iTunes two days ago!!

I couldn’t help thinking about sections of the song…
‘Your love is so so serious,
You keep me comin’ back babe…

…She just don’t deserve this
Aint nobody perfect
But I just can’t take no more
I’m living two different lives…

…Even though this ain’t right,
I just can’t get enough
But the way you put it down.’

Is this why guys cheat? E.g. a conversation I had with a friend about the ‘Harvey and Alesha’ situation (if you don’t know already, read about it here) and my friend said ‘it’s not that he didn’t like Alesha, he just probably had better sex with Javine!’ My argument - if you’re not happy with anything in a relationship can’t you just rectify it by talking. I don’t think ‘talking’ would be the direct approach in a situation regarding your sex life like Harvey and Alesha’s but he could have made gestures or showed her or even taught her – that relationship didn’t break down because of Alesha not pleasing Harvey enough, I just think he got greedy! He is the one that proposed to her, he’s the one that initiated thoughts of marriage (I read in an article somewhere that Alesha had no idea he was that serious about her), if he wasn’t ready to commit he shouldn’t have asked. I’m surprised really because he should have known that getting married would mean having sex with that one person for the rest of his life – someone sent him the wrong memo!!

Trey Songz sings ‘he just can’t get enough’… huh? I’m not saying I fully understand but I’m grasping that sex really has a hold on some guys… or is it not just the sex but the amount? That doesn’t even make sense… is it the sex with the number of women that is appealing? I really want to know! Yes, girls cheat but I think girls cheat for different reasons, the more I think about why guys cheat – I just always end up with the theory that it’s just the sex. Now if that is the reason, it’s a lame one! A guy could have the flyyest lady on his arm, a woman that every man wants but still ends up cheating à la Eric Benet and Halle Berry, David and Victoria Beckham (not every guy wants Victoria but hey…), Harvey and Alesha, Ashley Cole and Cheryl Cole (to be honest I don’t care about these two – but you get my drift).

If it is just the sex, is it impossible to get as much of it as you want from the woman you claim to love? I know women suddenly get ‘headaches’ when their men bring it up… lol… but really I know most women would do anything for their partners – so it must not be just about the sex then! If it’s about the chase, the fact that you might get caught, the deceit – I’m ashamed! When did we start doing deceitful things for pleasure? Thieves, liars, fraudsters get pleasure from deceitful actions but they’re scum… it’s not supposed to be that way – notice how when a man cheats, he always gets caught. Well, some men… some of you are getting smarter!! No, I’m playing… there are many guys who don’t cheat… give yourselves a pat on the back, you are appreciated! The bottom line is there is a reason why guys cheat… I don’t know what it is, but I want to find out. This isn’t some personal mission, please do not read between the lines, no one has cheated on me but its something that is happening frequently amongst friends and I just want to know why it happens. I have asked some of my male friends and their ‘don’t know why’ is becoming tiresome – so if you have a theory please share….

I’m not going to stop listening to ‘Last Time’… I can’t get enough… I’m going to add Trey Songz to my never ending list of potentials and just so you can appreciate what I’m talking about – the video is below. Enjoy!!

- Gabrielle

Friday, April 25, 2008

Funny Thoughts...

Sometimes my life is boring... really boring and I find that there's no amount of TV, music or books that can cure that boredom. In situations like these I turn to gossip... lol... NOOOO not 'ordinary people' gossip... ok, well not 'ordinary people' I know, gossip... just hearsay... I'll enlighten you on the things I discuss with my comrades...

1) Flava Flav!! LMAO!! Nuff said!! Now I truly believe that everyone is beautiful. Each person was made in God's image and I feel that if I call someone ugly, I'm indirectly insulting God's work. So, I refrain from calling people ugly... 'cos it's not nice and 'cos its just not nice. Then there's FLAV!! I mean, from when I see him on TV... with his dry ass lips and his 3 plaits on his head... to the earring he uses as a nose ring... what compliment can I pay him. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... to be honest I really don't know why those girls are there... I know they DO NOT see anything nice in this OLD ASS MAN!! He just looks like the type of person whose breath makes your hairline recede... I shudder when I think of the amount of girls from 'Flavor of Love' sleep with him... best believe that 'money is the root of all evil'... everyone and their mothers know that if he had no money... it would be another case entirely!! With all that said... he does provide entertainment... funny old man!!

2) I heard that a woman got killed in Brixton by a police van carrying 11 prisoners. *blank stare*... Hmmm... (A) I heard this woman was a bit loopy (B) I heard the van drove over her head and the crowd was telling the driver to reverse - back over her head that is (C) A crowd built up around the van causing havoc for a few hours... so basically that woman was left to die. My thoughts... only in Brixton!! KMT!!

3) I was having a discussion with my friends about rapists, wife beaters, paedophiles etc. Its a very sensitive subject but have you noticed that when they show a picture of the atacker (on the news, magazines, newspaper articles)... don't they look dodgy anyway. Like I'm sorry if this offends anyone but all the pics I have seen scream 'WEIRDO' to me... like I'm cautious of everyone... maybe a bit too cautious but its better to be safe than sorry. The reason why Im saying this is because a man was convicted of rape and attempted murder last week and if you saw his picture... HELL TO THE NO... HELL NO!! If I saw this man walking on the same side of the street... I would cross over... no hesitation. He just looked 'seedy'!! Ladies... you know what I'm talking about!! He fits into the category of those men you see at the train station/bus stop who look at you far longer than is necessary, flash a 'seedy' smile, breathe all heavy... you're waiting to use the cash point and they're behind you too close for comfort, making you feel very uncomfortable... OK...hmm... maybe that just happens to me!! You get my drift though... if he looks suspicious... HE IS!! SIMPLE!!

And these 'American Boys' are just doing it for me these days, making my heart skip a beat, my smile last longer than ever... basically seeing them in a mag or on tv makes me happy... Derek Luke (Antwoine Fisher), Jackie Long (Serena Williams' ex... abusive partner in Trey Songz vid 'Can't Help But Wait), I still got love for Jarell 'J-Boog' Houston (B2K member)... I know - I need to let that one go but my love for guys hailing from the LDN... especially Idris Elba!! His beauty is just too much... hmmmm!!

Oh and no discrimination here... Mark Ronson gets a shout out too!! He's cute... oh whatever!! The guy is cute! And I know that the male readers may be sickened by this... just a little bit... so a lil' something for you too...

Until next time folks...

- Gabrielle

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What is going on? Part II

Remember this post? Well because I love you all so much and know how you love this song, its only right that I post this for your viewing pleasure *rolls eyes*
When watching the following I recommend keeping a bottle of holy water in reaching distance. That is all.

- SistaLova

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Get Gone... Call Tyrone!!

Already laughing at the title... yeah I said it... 'call Tyrone'.

An old friend called me the other day and unlike the desired reaction he expected, I was not pleased. The surprise call was not received well at all... not just because we haven't spoken since September last year but because our friendship crumbled due to his continuous 'spittage' of lies... lol... (*side eye* - 'spittage'... I'm going to add that to my lingo dictionary). There are many things I can't stand in this world, many things , but being lied to sits right at the top, just above being taken advantage of and following closely behind - when people talk to me with an air of superiority... none of those instances are cute.

My old friend lied to me in a way that I lost trust in people full stop... what happened to plain old telling the truth. Where did we go wrong? As soon as I found out what he had done, I deleted his number, deleted him on Facebook - basically destroyed any reminder I may have of his existence. It sounds harsh but really it's not, the feeling I had can be compared to a 'Maury' moment, when your best friend/sister tells you they have slept with your boyfriend... the feeling of finding out that the child you have raised up as your own might not be yours... that feeling of betrayal and hurt... that hurts and the delete action of my old friend just fits his crime.

So... I refer to him as an old friend but if I'm honest, at one point (periodic insanity) I thought he was 'the one'. HA HA!! I'm laughing now but... hmmm... anyway you can understand why I felt so passionate about his deceitful ways. Having now deleted my Facebook (it was too much of a distraction) and focused on getting a life, I stumbled once again on the treasure pot that is YouTUBE. Simply amazing!! Searched all my favourite artists and came across the queen that is Erykah Badu... she told it like it is and still does... (a little dedication to Lauryn Hill... I love you mama... please come back). I watched 'Call Tyrone' and thought I actually handled my 'old friend' situation quite well... so without further ado... I present my little throwback... ERYKAH BADU - CALL TYRONE

P.S. If you incessantly call/text me, Facebook me, ask my friends about me with no reply... you have been deleted!! It's very easy to comprehend... you are no longer an asset to have around that is why you are no longer a part of my life. No animosity though. I wish you all the best in your future... I hope you can find someone to tolerate your pathological lying ways... but even that would be a curse to that poor innocent person. DEUCES UP!!

- Gabrielle

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Been A While!

Hi readers!!

Its been quite a long hiatus since my last post and due to the 'talk' that I had with SistaLova, I realised it was in my best interest to at least update you on the 'funny' that is my life!!

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the readers of AfroDivas, its been a long run... December 2005, that is when we started and I know some of you still come on the site to check if there have been any posts... this will be rectified. A post every week... well from Gabrielle... SistaLova... (I'm giving you the *side eye* right now)... we owe a regular post to our faithful readers!!

Sooooooooooo the 'funny' that is my life and events around me:

I've decided that weird people, weird events...anything weird must be attracted to me, I just can't catch a break. Like, why is it always me?

Having moved back home from university, I have to say I became quite a bit naive... (the uni atmosphere can do that to you)... I forgot that in all the years before moving to university I used to get approached by 'uncles', men past their sell by dates, men who don't want to grow up, men who still insist that they have still got 'it'... on my way home from an outing the shenanigans had started again. I insist on keeping my iPod with me at all times incase of situations like this and have advised all my friends that in actual fact this does work, I was proved wrong the other day. Honestly, these 'uncles' are getting smarter!!

So, I'm walking home...listening to my iPod as you do... the volume is high but I can still hear things going on around me... so I hear someone shouting... or not even shouting but this continuous irritating noise so obviously I'm going to turn around... argghhh, why was it this 'uncle'? To be honest, I had noticed the way he was staring at me before but I brushed it off... I've fallen victim to giving them the 'benefit of the doubt'... so I turned around and there he was... smiling... smiling soooooo hard I could see all his teeth right to the back of his mouth, my heart sunk!

He was talking and I just stared at him... I had to think fast, pulling my earphones out would have been the worst move. I guess he figured that I couldn't hear him and started gesturing for me to take my earphones out... (argghh... what do I do?)... I don't know how I started thinking so quick on my feet but I refused to take them out. Now if you knew me before I would've taken them out and then thought *shite* afterwards but that didn't happen... he must've figured that I would be a challenge and decided to try and take my earphones out himself.

OH HEELLLLLLLLLLLLL NO!! Am I awake? This uncle did not try and violate my space... I did some matrix move faster than you can say 'matrix move' and that's when I walked off. I didn't even care if he was following me... by that point he had pissed me off. I think back to it now and I'm like 'why didn't I walk off in the first place'... 'why didnt I just tell him to leave me alone'... I just think sometimes I'm too nice for my own good... I hate offending people, but some people bring it on themselves. Just like the woman who lives opposite me... this woman had everyone believing she was disabled... got people in the neighbourhood running errands for her, going over to the house to check if she's alrite, just looking after her... the way a community should. I thought I damn near lost my mind when I saw this woman coming out of her house, pushing her own wheelchair... hmm *looks around the room*... is she not supposed to be in the wheelchair? I think her landlord clocked on 'cos I haven't seen her in the area for a while... but I mean... COME ON!! Is this where our generation is headed... fraudsters, paedophiles etc... what happened to life as I knew it? Lol... To be honest though... can you imagine life without these little events... very boring don't you think?!

Imma be back... I'm loving blogger life again!!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Love Letters...A Dying Art?

Have you ever had a love letter? and I mean any type of love letter, even the ones in school.
"I like you, do you like me? Tick (or circle) yes or no", type love letter...No?
I remember once writing a "love letter" to this boy (...I know lol), actually it wasn't a letter. It was written on the back of those big ass rubbers you used to get in class, you know the one made by Staedtler that looked like this...
All I really remember is that my heart felt like it was in my throat, then I handed it to him, telling him not to read it until I had left...okay ran out the room lol. I can't remember what actually happen afterwards, if anything. But I still remain good friends with that boy and once in a while he'll remind me how I ran out of the room lool.
My only time receiving one, I was slightly older. It was so unexpected from a really cool guy friend in my class (I only hung out with boys in Primary, with the exception of JB). He left it in my tray (remember back in the day you had a tray instead of a locker lol), It was really sweet and a little unexpected. I didn't feel the same and didn't want our friendship to be awkward, so I pretended I didn't get it.
It's funny he never brought it up and I just realised neither of us has ever mentioned it since. Shame.
I asked a few of the girlies they're thoughts on love letters and after laughing hard at me, most thought It was really corny and very rare. I agree to a point, blame my addiction for old fashion love, but I like the fact that someone can express themselves with words. It's also really great to look back and read them. Although If I'm honest, I would be giving a dude a little side eye if he gave me one, its just hard to take guys seriously these days. But thats another post in itself. I would'nt give a side eye to Idris or Lupe though. I had to do it lool.
Anyway what do you think?

- SistaLova

Thursday, March 20, 2008

West LDN 10 X Ladies' No1 Detective Agency...

Did anyone watch West Ldn 10??
The new "urban drama" is a part of BBC Three's pilot season. It's based on the "Society Within" by Courttia Newland and developed by director Menhaj Huda and writer Noel Clarke the team behind the film Kidulthood. The show stars a few familiar faces such as Ashley Walters (he'll always be Asher D to me), Duane Henry (Dubplate Drama)and Ashley Madekwe (Drop Dead Gorgeous).
I'm still deciding on my feelings about the show, I always think that it's never done quite right. Overall I think it's great that more programmes feature black talented actors, but maybe we should work on script writers creating lines that don't always end in "oi blud!"...Im just saying.
And is it me or does Duane Henry not look as cute as his Dubplate Drama days?? Anyway if your a fan of the episode and want it to continue you need to contact the BBC via their feedback site. I have to say I saw a sneek peek of what could happen if it's turned into a full series and it looks really interesting.

I'm really looking forward to watching "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" featuring Jill Scott...yay! Miss Jilly from Philly will be playing lead character Precious Ramotswe. It was directed by the great Anthony Minghella, who recently passed away earlier this week. The 90 minute drama is based on the novel of the same name written by Alexander McCall Smith. I remember reading it a couple of years ago and I urge you to go and cop the book for yourselves. I wonder how true it will stay to the book..but I know its gonna be hot simply because of the great casting. Did I mention the sexiness that is Idris Elba will be in it?!!
Hmmm....lol *I think I'm gonna make it my personal mission to mention Mr Elba in every post, even if it's not necessary lool.
It was also announced on Monday that another 13 episodes will be made...fab!

- SistaLova

Friday, March 14, 2008

Just Because I Felt Like It...

I really thought I was done with this blog and writing up on my random experiences. But lately I just had the urge to check back in and write stuff up.

I’ve been meeting new people and made good friends in some unexpected places lol. I’m still meeting crazy people *sighs* but I’m trying to see the positive, maybe I’m meant to lead these people to the road of sanity *sighs again*

I finished my old internship at the A&R offices and met some great, kind hearted people. I kinda miss the old team and my desk hehe. I really miss those freebies as well; it was good while it lasted. I recently got a new and fab internship courtesy of my favourite cousin (she was my favourite before the job lol) and I’m really looking forward to it....

I’ve had an idea for a certain project that I’ve been talking about for ages and I’m really excited and a little anxious that it’s finally coming together and is set to be something really successful! Most people I know wouldn’t use shyness as a word to describe me, but I have my moments and pushing this idea has made me put myself out there...”everything happens for a reason”.

A while ago I did a couple of articles for a magazine *Super Super * on the UK's underground music scene and it actually got published...yay for me! I actually plan to do a few more pieces in mags so look out!

On the whole love thing it’s been as random as this post...met a guy a while ago, really liked him. But soon discovered he was a “status dude” (needs its own post) and I couldn’t be bothered with the drama. Recently I’ve been talking to this guy (let’s call him JK for any future references), but it’s weird. Most people have a checklist...well I know I do lol! This guy does not fit any of specifications. But I told myself that I’m going to try new things this year, so let’s see how it goes.
Err...I also think I must be giving out some sort of jungle fever vibe because for some reason this year, White guys are lovin them some SistaLova! Don’t get me wrong I've seen a few white guys that I think are cute but my main preference is black guys and not even the milky Cadbury type but the dark cocoa type guy...[insert Idris Elba here] yeah I know he’s too old for me but he is fine!!

A while ago Gabrielle asked me about my short stories, I know I’m slipping lol. Last week I actually started something and was surprised by how racy it became. I think reading the diva diaries inspired and tainted my imagination lol.

I’ll probably post it so you can judge it for yourself...

- SistaLova

Friday, February 29, 2008

Myspace is Evil...I wonder If Tom Is happy??

Like the song goes I believe the children our are future and Myspace is corrupting them!
If you don't believe me watch the clip below of this little kid going crazy. But I'm not gonna lie when he is asked ”What does Myspace mean to you?” and he yells: ”Everything BITCH!!!” I laughed a little...ok maybe alot!

Now before I am accused of being racist with my next statement I want to make it clear that i'm not...this display of foly is clearly a "white" thing. I honestly cannot imagine a Black kid getting this emotional, can you?


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two Thousand and Eight!!

2008 has really brought about a change in the way I act and in the way I think. I really feel like this is the year that is going to ‘make me,’ I had to let go of unnecessary baggage. I ended ‘2007’ saying goodbye to all those ‘guys’ I couldn’t quite get over, as drastic as it might seem, it was much needed! I found myself being distracted to the highest degree over these guys and nothing positive was coming from such distractions, I concentrated so much on them that I lost sight of what I was actually supposed to be focusing on, e.g university. I do not know how I passed my second year but I see this year as another chance and I’m not taking that for granted.

Everything had been going the way I wanted, but what life exists without drama! A slight hiccup in my positive attitude when I heard from my ex, (summer ‘like’), it wasn’t good news!! I was not happy!! I am definitely over it now but it did make me start thinking about so many things, with the bad news I had heard I just wanted something that would help revert my attitude back to the way it was, so I picked up a book, ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’, by Joshua Harris, and through reading that book I have decided to kiss dating goodbye. Initial thoughts, ‘hmm, how am I going to kiss dating goodbye – dating is a way of life, if I don’t date I will never find my husband, if I don’t date I won’t even have a boyfriend’, so many things ran through my mind - I was sure I had taken the book too literally but the more I thought about it, the more I thought I could actually reap some benefits from doing this.

To be honest, my ‘love life’ was not active in the first place, so I really don’t think it will be that much of a challenge, lol, it’s not going to be easy but I don’t think it will be that hard. The book specifies that ‘dating’ takes place when two people request to spend time with each other, on several different occasions in seemingly romantic places. The mission is not to allow myself to be ‘secluded’ with the opposite sex (I really don’t think this is going to be hard) and if I do want to go out it must be with a group of 4 or more. I could say 3 or more but I know too many people who think that by taking a third party their motives will not be as obvious, well it is!! Leave Keisha at home, the guy is interested in you, its not like you are going to pay any attention to Keisha on the date anyway.

I don’t know how long this mission is supposed to be, I want to see how it goes really. I think this mission will help cure the ‘crush hoe’ in me, the ‘infatuationist’ (I know that is not a word), but seriously, I have a tendency (and I’m not alone) to see a guy and become obsessed, no, obsessed is too strong a word. All I’m saying is, I first see a guy and all my thoughts and actions are based on that person, I might not know everything I need to know about that person but in my head, he’s perfect. He’ll be the perfect companion, the perfect partner, the perfect husband, the perfect father and that is all from just looking at him, I really don’t think so!! I think this is where so many people make mistakes, I see someone and imagine them to be something that they are not, when I do find out that they are nothing like I imagined, I lose interest! I could have saved wasting precious time by not thinking so deeply into what I could gain from them and concentrate more on what I can possibly offer a partner in my future.

Basically, this task will help me focus, I don’t want to be thinking about dating, marriage, I just want to live my life. Its funny how once you get to a certain age you’re supposed to have ‘potentials’ lined up, you’re supposed to have been thinking about your life partner and honestly that is not the case. Being told from when you were old enough to talk to about 19/20 to ‘read your books’, then suddenly at the age of 21, you’re being asked where your husband/wife is!! This dating thing is so complicated, its actually confusing, so on behalf of the young generation I have taken it upon myself to embark upon this mission. This might provide me with revelations that many women are waiting on and the same revelations that men are keen to know. I can’t wait to see where this mission takes me, please keep your eyes peeled for further updates because I will be posting up my progress or struggles. I may need your help!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Psst...Ms TooFly has a new blog!

Are you a fan of fashion, music, poetry and such??...yes?
Well swing by The TooFly Experience blog.
Leave comments, send in news, bookmark us and tell your friends!
To find out more about us visit our myspace too.

- Ms TooFly

Friday, January 25, 2008

"Racisms' Still Alive, They Just Be Concealing It..."

So recently I've been really busy with Uni and some personal projects. Thus not being able to post regulary :-(
But a few weeks ago one of the guys in my class showed me a mini film, that was made by a couple of ex-students in my film studies class. It was really thought provoking and made me reflect on how accepting British people really are of other cultures. Alot of people like to believe England is a nation of blending ethnicty's...that is'nt necessarily fact.
Anyway watch it and leave your thoughts and reactions.
- SistaLova

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Its Chockablock Time...

Hey guys! Tomorrow is the re-launch party for Mr Joseph JP Pattersons's' jam packed night...CHOCKABLOCK! Anyone familiar with JPs' work his (Blog, SuperSuper) is aware of how your assured to have a bangin' time! There are stil a few places left on the guestlist so hurry, hurry...


The LDN Relaunch Party

@ EGG Nightclub,200 Yorks Way, Kings Cross, London N7

Showcasing The Best UK Underground Music In:

Grime / Niche / Dubstep / Electro / Jungle + Rave

With Art Visuals By Fashion Desinger


Not your typical Grime or Bassline event, ready to show whats going on in other UK Underground Music Scene.."s aswell so just be a bit open minded you might likey.

So If your not afraid of a little BASSSS!, like to Skank out or quietly shout ...BRAP BRAP! in the corner? then this rave is youuuuuu.




- SistaLova

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good News For A Great Year!

Disney have created their first ever black princess character for upcoming New-Orleans based film, 'The Frog Princess'. Her name is Maddy and she joins eight other Disney princess characters. Disney Princesses are the fastest-growing brand for the company’s Consumer Products division so they were about ready to cash in on the black pound/dollar.
Maddy's got natural hair and everything! *applauding the Disney team. It's been a long time coming. Maybe if this had been created earlier alot more black girls would have spent less time running around with a pillow case over their head emulating flowing princess locks, (don't play I know who you are :-). I'm just praying they don't overload the character with Ebonics and doing non-exsitent 'ethnic' hand gestures and shrieking about things.
It only took 84 years, but we got there in the end.

To my fellow "urban[1]" reading biliophiles, you may be pleased to know that after nearly 10 years of the fictional novel "The Coldest Winter Ever" hit bookshelves. Best-selling author, Sister Souljah has confirmed that a sequel will be released sometime this year!
I remember reading this book in school and loving it, there were even talks of a movie adaptation with Jada Pinkett Smith supposedly playing the lead role of "Winter". As much as I think Jada is cool, I could'nt really see that working out. I think all plans of that ever happening have been scrapped. Besides, I'd rather read a sequel written solely by Sister Souljah than watch some watered down version of it on film.

[1] I really dislike like that term. What does it really mean?
hmm...maybe next post.

- SistaLova