Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Why AfroDivas was created?

AfroDivas was created so that we could voice our opinions, our thoughts, random feelings we had which we wanted to share with others. In creating such a blog, we decided that we would allow readers to post comments and voice their own opinion on whatever we had said. So you could say we gave readers the chance to say their piece. Compared to some blogs I've come across, we just don't leave comments that portray our blogs to be perfect, cos it's far from that... I mean we're only writing about how we feel. You can't blame us for that.

So, with saying that Im gonna wrap this up. To the faithful readers, thanks for reading, thanks for visiting the site. We greatly appreciated the fact that you continued to read our blogs. But we are sorry to say that AfroDivas has now ended. Due to numerous comments prior to the last blog, we have all concluded to stop writing. Again, we would like to thank you for your support and your insightful comments.

God Bless x x x

OH PUURRLLEASSEEEEE!! No one could get rid of this blog even if they tried. Basically, it's like this... you like the site, by all means stop by when it suits you, read our posts, leave a comment if needs be, but please, PLEASE don't be ignorant. I mean if you don't agree with what has been said in a post please don't be immature about it and leave a wack ass comment, 'anonymous' - 'this is some weak blog'. NO!! You know what you should do, leave a comment telling us why you don't agree with what was said and what you would do in that situation. It's called 'constructive criticism'... then again, if you still don't agree with what's said on a post... leave the site. I know you see that red 'X' button on the top right corner... I aint gonna be mad at you for using it. DAMMMNNNN!!! So yeah, we're gonna keep the posts coming and hopefully you guys won't stop reading.


- Gabrielle

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