Monday, February 27, 2006

Sperm Bandits!!

I knew that heading would grab your attention...Honestly you lot are so predictable!! Any mention of sex and your eyes pop out of their
Well bad news peeps. Because this isnt about mine or anyone else's "Love Below"....well not entirely

If a woman gets pregnant by a man without his prior consent, is she secretly stealing his seed??

This thought came to me after reading an article about a guy suing a chick in New Mexico for stealing his sperm. He claims that she promised to take the pill, but stopped in order to have a baby.... making him a father without his knowledge or consent. The woman argued that she could not have "stolen" his sperm because because he "surrended any right of possesion...when he transferred it...during voluntary sexual intercourse". Now i dont know about you but i had to laugh when reading that particuilar line! she also said that "It should be considered a gift". I cant speak for all the women out there, but if a dude was to give you his sperm as a "gift" im not sure you would be happy about

We (men) can never be sure. There are all sorts of freaks around. If your a man, you have to deal with the possibility that you have released millions of "lil' Friends" into the wilderness. For all you know you could have fathered hundreds of kids...( i think the record no. of kids for a man was 888 by a old emperor of morocco)...that you know nothing about.

Whenever i try and discuss this topic with the opposite sex i always get the same reaction..."Excuse me, punk!....blaming mums for not using birth control....ever heard of a condom??"(you know while saying dat they were clicking their fingers or moving their neck so much it looked
Lets face it to some women, men are a walking gene pool, and its a general rule that a woman goes for the most sought after sperm she can lay her hands on. Its the right combination of brains, health and stamina...all of which i have! Once identified as the "best available", some women will zoom in like missile launcher!! I mean these women dont have a problem enticing us guys to give it up, all they have to do is wear lil' make up, get there hair done and wear the.... right clothes...
And if a woman can't get the "best", then she'll settle for second best, third best....A hard core woman will go even further. SPERM BANDITS

- BruthaDiva

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